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Step 1

Start by browsing our collection of design templates tailored for mental health professionals, then click Join Now to get your membership started.

Browse designs & join

Need just the website? Click here

How it works

Welcome to a simpler way to connect with your clients. Navigating the complexities of your digital presence can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be.

We recognize the challenges therapists face in creating a website—time constraints, high costs, and complex design choices. Our approach is designed to eliminate these headaches:

Step 2

Finalize your design choice, then customize with our user-friendly guides. Share your personal touch and we will customize the design for you, saving you the hassle of complicated or overwhelming processes.

We’ll send you a link to upload your branding materials. Follow our straightforward instructions to send us your logos, colors, and images. Our content guide will walk you through how to write the content for your website. Need help? We’re always here to make your life easier!

Ready, set, personalize

Step 3

In just 7 business days, you’ll get to see your site come to life. Quickly and easily review it, request changes, and fine-tune it to your liking. We’re not happy until you are.

Preview & perfect

Ready to connect with more clients?

Your website is the first step in showing potential clients they’ve found the right therapist. Explore our design collection, tailored to create a welcoming and professional online presence that communicates your expertise and empathy.

Your site is live!

Once you approve the preview, your site goes live without the stress. We handle the technical details, ensuring your website launches smoothly and quickly, allowing you to focus more on your clients and less on technical worries.

And remember, we're here for the long haul. Whether it's a question or an update, your dedicated account manager is ready to assist. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with unlimited content changes and hands-on support whenever you need it.

Launch with confidence

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