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Eirlyse Sollars

Founder, Creative Director

With over a decade of experience in design, Eirlyse has worked at digital marketing agencies for nationally recognized brands, bringing a wealth of expertise to her own venture. Passionate about mental health advocacy and the power of creative expression, she leverages her skills to support therapists, artists, and changemakers in amplifying their impact. Her commitment to authentic, impactful design drives the mission at Highly Finite®, where each project is an opportunity to make a meaningful difference.

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Highly Finite®

TheraSites™ is powered by Highly Finite®, a creative agency passionate about making a real difference for mental health professionals and creatives.

We know that as a mental health professional, your priority is your clients—not wrestling with website templates. That’s why TheraSites™ offers user-friendly, customizable websites that look great and work even better without the need to learn code, figure out DIY builders, or manage your website alone. 

We’re committed to keeping things affordable, with flexible payment plans to fit different budgets, helping you create an online space that feels welcoming and truly yours.

Highly Finite® brings their expertise and empathetic approach to TheraSites™ to help you showcase your practice in a way that reflects your dedication to those you serve.

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