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What is the build-only service?

This option is different from the TheraSites™ subscription. With this one-time purchase, you will receive a built-for-you website without ongoing maintenance or support. You will be responsible for your own hosting, domain, and any future updates. We will guide you through the process up until the website launch, and then you'll receive full access to manage and update your content independently.

If you decide you want the ongoing support and maintenance provided by TheraSites™, you can join TheraSites™ here.

Purchase & select

Complete your purchase by paying the one-time setup fee. After checkout, you will receive an email to finalize your design selection and begin the customization process.


Complete the brand customization and content guide provided and submit your details. One of our account managers will reach out to confirm everything and ensure all is set for customization.

Review & launch

Within 7 business days after confirmation, you'll receive a link to review your completed site.


At this stage, you can provide feedback (please note that we cannot adjust the overall design). We'll then send over a payment request for hosting (usually $27 per month) to launch the site. After the first hosting payment is settled, your site will be live and we'll transfer it over to you.


You will then be responsible for maintaining the site, including hosting, updates, and maintenance. You will also need to pay for your domain, and we may need your assistance to transfer it before launch if it's already attached to an existing site.

Build-only service

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